Welcome to Our Light Rail Operator Apprenticeship Program
Welcome to our program! As a new apprentice you will be enrolled in the United States Department of Labor (U.S. D.O.L.) or California Department of Apprenticeship Standards, and Mission College courses. The enrollment will take place during your New Employee Orientation.
You will also be assigned a mentor who will assist with everyday questions, and guide you through soft skills while you transition into your new career.
This is an exciting time for you!
After completion of the program, Graduates will receive
Receive transferable college credits
Certificate of Achievement from Mission College
Apprenticeship Certificate from The US Department of Labor
Apprenticeship Certificate from The California Division of Apprenticeships
Managing Stress
As part of the core training process, JWI covers health, wellness and professional development. These activities emphasize mastering the “human element” of driving a bus and applying stress management/health and wellness techniques. New operators classroom debriefing after completing initial driving time. They discuss their experiences and whether or not they were able to “let go” of the stress that some situations may have caused them. The goal is to teach new operators how to manage on the job stress and make good judgments while alone.
The curriculum’s workbook introduces:
1.) Encounter,
2.) Defuse
3.) Recenter
4.) “Let Go” stress management model
New Apprentices must successfully complete the following:
Bus Technical Training Classes
JWI Coach Operator Professional Classes
JWI Ride a Longs with Mentors
JWI on the job mentoring
18 Months as Coach Operator
Still Have Questions?

Upon successful completion of
For more information on the Mission College Coach Operator Certificate Program, visit the Mission College Website.